Alex Lorenz

Youth Wellness Facilitator

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Question & Answer


What do you like about your job at YWHN?

Although I am very new to the YWHN Northumberland team, it has been an incredibly welcoming and supportive work environment. Rebound and YWHN are making profound and long-lasting changes to our community, and it makes me so proud to be apart of this team.

What are you most proud of at YWHN?

I am most proud of all the work that has already gone into creating the YWHN. It is something that is so desperately needed in the area and I’m so excited to see it all come together in the following months. Its an honour to be apart of this team and have positive impact on the community and our youth.

What does YWHO’s value, "ripple-effect," mean to you?

The ripple-effect means to me that our actions and choices have an influence on the world around us. We can’t always see how far that influence goes but eventually it all comes full circle.

How do you like to spend free time when you're not at work?

I love to garden, cook and bake, spend time with family and friends, play with the dogs, and visit the family cottage

What is your favourite spot in Northumberland County?

Arthur’s Restaurant & Northumberland Forest