Carissa Parsons

Mental Health and Substance Use Clinician

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Question & Answer


What do you like about your job at YWHN?

Although I am new to this role, I have already found amazing connections with the YWHN community. Their kindness, compassion and guidance have made my welcome a very warm one. Additionally, being in a space that intrinsically values youth and their lived experiences allows me to continuously be inspired and motivated..

What are you most proud of at YWHN?

As part of the Youth Wellness Hub team, I am proud to be engaged in the development of such an exciting project. To hear the needs and desires of youth within the community and to be able to apply those insights into a physical space and programming feels incredibly impactful.

What does Rebound's value, "ripple-effect," mean to you?

I often see the visual of a stone being thrown into a pond and creating ripples. Each of us are the rock in the pond that is our greater community. The reach of one stone may seem small but the ripples they make can expand across the entire pond and inspire and encourage others.

How do you like to spend free time when you're not at work?

I can be found reading, listening to an audiobook or contemplating what I would like to read next. I also love spending time with my dog and cat and being in nature when I can.

Do you have a personal motto?

Life is an art not a science