Emanuele Bordonali, CYW

Youth Mental Health Court Worker

Write Emanuele or call 905-372-0007 ext.224



Question & Answer


What do you like about your job at Rebound?

I have been impressed with Rebound’s responsiveness to client’s needs and the flexibility of the agency to build new ways of being helpful.

What are you most proud of at Rebound?

I am proud to be part of a team of professionals who care for the well-being of others on their team and for the people in the communities they serve.

What does Rebound's value, "ripple-effect," mean to you?

This is one of the main reasons I came to Rebound, having a proactive mindset builds positive ripples in our system of care. One good, evidence-based program can build community capacity and connections.

Do you have a personal motto?

“Don’t take yourself too seriously” and “There is so much to learn”.

What three words best describe you?

Adaptive, Gratitude and Humour.