Become a Sponsor!
Read the sponsorship package here
About the tournament
The 11th Annual Northumberland Charity Golf Tournament will be held on June 24, 2023 at Ash Brook Golf Club, hosted by Knights of Columbus Port Hope and in partnership with Rebound Child & Youth Services and Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre. Funds raised will go towards supporting the missions and visions of Rebound and Cornerstone. Scroll through the photos to check out some of the fun from past years!
Get started
Get started right away by registering for the 11th Annual Northumberland Charity Golf Tournament! The cost to play is $125 per person and includes 18 holes, lunch, and a cart. Payment can be made online through E-Transfer. Please complete the form below for details.
Connect with Rebound and Cornerstone on Facebook or Instagram to let us know that you are registered!
Share the tournament with your friends and family so they can join your crew, or can enter a crew of their own. Motivate them by sharing our Save The Date!
Sponsor a hole
Par Sponsor
Placement of a small sign (12” x 18”) displaying corporate logo at a hole on the course.
Social media feature on both Cornerstone and Rebound accounts.
Birdie Sponsor
Placement of a large sign (24” x 30”) displaying corporate logo at a hole on the course.
Social media feature on both Cornerstone and Rebound accounts.
Contest Sponsor
Fund the prize of an on-course contest and have the contest named after your business.
Includes hole signage at the location of the event or contest.
Social media feature on both Cornerstone and Rebound accounts.
Cart Sponsor
Have a corporate logo displayed in all carts being used throughout the tournament.
Includes signage at the location of the event (outdoor, indoor, and lunch and registration).
Social media feature on both Cornerstone and Rebound accounts.