Giving Tuesday - December 1

Rebound has been at the forefront of our community since the beginning of COVID-19, continuously providing services and programs to children and youth. We pivoted to shift our service delivery to be done on virtual platforms, where we ensured that accessibility to our services was universal. As we continue transitioning, as a community, our services are needed all the more; we need your help to ensure our children and youth will receive the support they deserve.

December 1st is quickly approaching and Rebound has set a goal to reach $4,000 this Giving Tuesday; we need your help to spread the word and to achieve this goal!

70% of mental health problems have their onset during childhood or adolescence. This number is staggering and, at Rebound, we have dedicated and experienced counsellors working hard to support these children and youth. A gift as little as $25 given to Rebound will provide a client with the academic care they need free of charge! And a $150 donation gives a client the opportunity to connect with a counsellor to get support through one-to-one counselling sessions.

34% of Ontario high-school students indicate a moderate-to-serious level of psychological distress (symptoms of anxiety and depression). 14% indicate a serious level of psychological distress. We can only imagine how this number has significantly increased during COVID-19. This Giving Tuesday, on December 1st, we’re asking for your help so we can continue providing our clients with the services and programs they need.

Our clients need this support more than ever during this time, and we’re calling on you to help us make a difference.

Copy of Matching Funds Partner Proposal for Giving Tuesday (1).png