Port Hope Racquet Club Summer Smash Fundraiser!
Thank you to the Port Hope Racquet Club for their generous donation to Rebound as a result of their Summer Smash Fundraising Tennis Tournament! In this event, a total of $3,885.28 was raised for Rebound and we could not be more grateful for this fantastic contribution which ensures the wellbeing of children and families!
We thank PHRC’s Gillian Smith-Clark (President), William Ryan (Social Director), Rebecca Vaughan (Tournament Director), and Summer Smash Committee members Paula Frost and Herb Jung for their outstanding work with this fundraiser. Paula Frost had hosted the dinner and finals at her home and was one of the tournament sponsors. Without such dedication and commitment from our partners, Rebound would not be what it is today.
From left to right: William Ryan (Social Director), Rebecca Vaughan (Tournament Director), Gillian Smith-Clark (President), and Charlotte Monardo (On Rebound’s Board of Directors). Missing: Paula Frost and Herb Jung (Summer Smash Committee Members).