Rebound's Easter Bake Sale Raises Hundreds for Child & Youth Mental Health
Thank you to all of you who supported Rebound’s Easter Bake Sale in Partnership with the Northumberland United Way!
Rebound is pleased to announce that the Easter Bake Sale raised $860 and all proceeds go towards Rebound and the Northumberland United Way to ensure all children and youth of Northumberland County reach their fullest potential!
We thank our wonderful and dedicated staff, Board, and volunteers for contributing delicious baked goods to our bake table! We also thank our local businesses who generously donated baked goods including Frosted Flour, The Dutch Oven, Black Cat, Millstone Bread, Centre and Main Chocolate Company, and Dooher’s Bakery! We could not be more grateful to our dedicated community partners.
Some of Rebound’s wonderful staff presenting the Bake Table!