Rebound Textline Terms of Service

Available Monday-Friday, from 9am-5pm by texting 905-269-7165

Before accessing the service provided by Rebound’s Mental Health Support Textline, please read the following.  By accessing the services provided, you agree to theTerms of Service and information described below.  If you have questions about privacy, Terms of Service, or Rebound’s Mental Health Support Textline please email

Scope of Service

Rebound’s Mental Health Support Textline is intended to provide support for young people in Northumberland County facing challenges or struggles, and can help equip you with skills, support, and resources to overcome these barriers.  Rebound’s Mental Health Support Textline is not a substitute for professional healthcare.  If you believe you are experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, please call your doctor and 911.  Rebound cannot be held liable for any decisions, or results of decisions made while clients access the service or those made after using the Mental Health Support Textline; you control your actions. 


Rebound’s Mental Health Support Line is provided on an “as is” basis and “as available” basis between Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm.  We try to be as available as possible during this time, and will respond as promptly as possible to your text message.

Privacy and Security

Rebound takes confidentiality very seriously, and we take action to make sure your information stays secure. However, text messaging is not a perfectly secure method of communication, and you agreed to use Rebound’s Mental Health Support Textline at your own risk and agree that Rebound Child & Youth Services has no liability regarding anyone’s unauthorized access to the Service or the data associated with it.  Visit our Privacy Statement for more information on measures Rebound takes to ensure the privacy of all our clients.

Your Personal Information

Rebound takes action to safeguard your personal information against theft, loss, and unauthorized access, use, modification and disclosure.  By accessing Rebound’s Mental Health Textline, you indicate your agreement with the collection, use, and storage of your personal information, including your phone number and any personal information that you include in your text messages. 

Duty to Report

We may be required to disclose your telephone number and other personal information to an external agency, usually a local child welfare agency or the police, if we think that you or others may be in danger.  This is called “duty to report.”  We have a duty to report in the following cases:

1.       If you tell us that someone is hurting you, has hurt you, or is likely to hurt you in the future; or

2.       If you tell us you are planning to hurt yourself or someone else

3.       If disclosure is ordered by a court

**Please note that standard text messaging rates apply when using this service.